I'm back in Portland, after visiting my family and friends for almost 1 month in Medellin. I'm back in my reality and my life, and it feels really good to enjoy being back. Before my trip to Medellin I was really anxious, thinking about how it will feel be around my friends and family again, if the time has changed us, change me in a way the I will no feel comfortable around them, or maybe I will feel so comfortable the I will like to stay and don't come back to Portland. It is good to be back. I was missing my space and the bit of my life in Portland, and of course, I was missing my husband. It was good to be back in Colombia too, see my friends, feel their energy, the familiarity of the jokes and the memories: It was also good to see my dad, hug my mom, spend some time with them. See Santy as a cooker and saw Harry Potter with Tin, our type of movie :). But is good to be back in my routine, my house, my bike, even when it is cold, and waiting for the best.