When I was a single woman if after a couple of dates with a guy he started to not call me, nor to appear on the weekends, we were over. No more dating and not even care about that boy anymore. I'll take him out of the key chain! and eventually move on. I'll still talk with him from time to time, but I'll no care. Now, What to do with a ghost friend? the type of friend that is never around, and when is around is because is "connivance" for him. That friend you feel you can not ask for anything because you never know what to expect. That friend that just call you when is single again. Can you say then that those types of friends don't show interest in you?; therefore should you brake up with then and move on? In general, we have this idea of friends are unconditional, and we don't have to be around each other in order to be a good friend. It is also common to think that you have different types of friends; for example, some friends are your confidants, o...