In general, we have this idea of friends are unconditional, and we don't have to be around each other in order to be a good friend. It is also common to think that you have different types of friends; for example, some friends are your confidants, others are great for introducing you to people, some are great for partying or travel, and just a few are good for everything. Not all boys were husband material, nor all your friends are best friend material. Now let's compare friendships with romantic relationships. In my perspective, the most relative difference between friendships and romantic relationships is the intimacy of the bodies.
In general, what I expect from a friend, any type of friend, is similar to the things that I expect for my couple: availability, commitment, and that the effort to spend time together comes from both sides. Is important to me to notice that people want to know about me, want to be around me. I don't like to be the only one that is doing something for seeing you, talk to you, or know if you are still alive.
When a guy doesn't take you seriously, nor really care about you, you never know what to expect; as a result, you end it up in an on- and- of the relationship without a title, rights, or even an end. You can not count on that person's support, or loyalty, also you can't depend on that person. With a ghost friend, I feel the same. I can't count on that friend because is never there for me when I want, is just there when he wants. An on-and-off relationship type boy shows up when he feels like, a ghost friend too.
In order to move on with your life is better to leave some things and persons behind. Like with boys, is important to take a ghost friend for what they are. Learn how to read them, and even become their ghost friend too. For friendships, as well for love relationships, you need two people on the same page, if not it is better just keep looking. NEXT!
Muy bueno, pero quiero creditos, "en lo sacaba del llavero" jajajaja.