Last year I was working as a server in a burger place in SE. I couldn't say NO to a burger with fries on my shift meal. Yes, fries, what is a burger with salad? for me a joke, a bad joke!, so I add to my diet for almost 8 months, burger + fries at list 2 times per week. Thanks to this place the compensation law shows up in my life, or at the list I put a name one it.
At that time the law was simple:
Burger+fries + 45 min bike ride each direction.
( from my house in NE to work and from work to my house) = Nothing happens ( about food diet)
So = calories X burger + X calories fries + bike 90 min = 0 Calories total.
Easy, no? And I guess it works! mostly because I didn't get like a cow, what will more likely happen with this type of diets :)
Now the compensation law is back, and I say is back because after been working no more than 2 days per week or even month, I'm now with a busy agenda :)
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