It has been a long time since the last time I posted, too long maybe. Write something during December and January was always in my To DO list, but, without realizing it, it moved to the bottom of the list, and finally, I didn't write anything saying "goodbye to 2011" or "hello 2012."
Here I'm no back again with this nonsense writing. Promising myself that this year I will write more and will be more proactive about my artistic escapes ( drawing, writing, painting, acting...). Here I'm making a public statement about how this year I will do whatever it takes to reconnect with my muse, which I feel I've lost and miss SO much, because, thanks to her, I feel talented, different and alive. To do so, I came out with this brilliant idea: I have decided that the best way to write is writing, even if now more than before I will write about nothing! (like I'm doing it right now)
Dear reader: if in the past you have felt that this blog makes nonsense - plus is full of poor spelling or grammar- well I'll like to warn you now that the nonsense maybe soon even less relevant. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
ps: I keep hoping the bad spelling and grammar improved a little bit, though!
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